Camping Coffee Maker Winners - JUST MILK

Camping Coffee Maker Winners

win camping coffee makers

As part of our Great British Summer Staycation giveaways, in September, we ran a prize draw with 2 Camping Coffee Makers and 10 packs of JUST MILK for the winners.

Our main prize winners were

K Warwick from Dudley
C McAlinden from Liverpool

Our 10 runners up were

S Graham from Dorset
A Morris from Tavistock
B Reynolds from St Stephen
M Morrow from Ellensburg
T Peglar from Wisbech
L Day from Northants
P Morley from Hundon
S Murariu from Sleaford
K Malcolm from Edinburgh
K Evans from Ringmer

Well done to all our winners and don’t forget to ensure you are on our our mailing list to ensure you get our latest news and competition. We have more great British Staycation giveaways coming throughout the Summer.
