Camping Cooking Kit promotion - JUST MILK

Camping Cooking Kit competition results

Continuing our Summer Staycation theme, we have 5 Camping Cooking Kits to giveaway. Each of these compact little packs contains - a non-stick pan x 1 and pot x 1, stainless steel foldable knife x 1/ fork x 1/spoon x 1, coffee spoon x 1 and compass x 1, Dishcloth x 1, Mesh storage bag x 1. Perfect for that late summer camping trip. Just don't forget to pack your JUST MILK for your morning brew.

In our continuing celebration of the great British Staycation, we ran a competition in September to win one of 20 Camping Cooking Kits. We asked entrants to tell us how often they went camping and what they used JUST MILK for when they went. The results were

0 times/year = 11%

1-2 times/year = 61% 💪

3 or more times/year = 28%

It’s great to see so many JUST MILK fans love camping as much as we do.

The winners were

J. Savage from Braintree
S. Roy from Looe
L. Fawcett from Stockport
J. Cripps from Reading
J. Furness from Greater London
C. Copeman from Norfolk
C. RODGER from Monmouthshire
R. Gingell from Oxfordshire
N. Delaney from SURREY
A. McClure from Leicestershire
M. Lawson from Durham
N. Sapuntsova from Surrey
G. Cullinane from Rugby
S. Peart from Darlington
A. Fletcher from York 
P. Gerloff from Birkenhead
M. Healy from Hinckley
E. Craddock from Pershore
Z. Hopcroft from Nottingham


We also asked entrants “Do you take milk with you? And if so, what do you use it for while you are camping?” Here are some of our favourites.

“YES  To Bathe in !! – only joking  I use it as I normally would at home” 🛀 😂

“Yes. For coffe creamer and making scrambled eggs or eating cereal.” 🍳

“Cups of tea, coffee, cereal and Crusha milkshakes (which the kids seem to live off when camping)
I take the slow cooker and make a fantastic rice pudding!” 🫖

“Yes! Milk is essential for a morning brew, I love a cup of coffee while camping & my partner can’t get through a morning without his cup of tea! I also tend to use milk in cooking such as: scrambled eggs or mash potatoes” 🍳

“Yes, we take milk. We use it for cereal and hot drinks. Nothing nicer than being in a tent with a nice cuppa before bed, looking at stars.” 🫖

“Yes, for morning cuppas and in scrambled eggs!” 🍳

“Yes, for drinking & making cheesy sauce for pasta”

“Yes, all important camping breakfast. Scrambled egg(using milk and butter) and crispy bacon!” 🍳

“Yes – to make cups of teaaaaaaaaaaa” 🫖

“Yes – Tea :)” 🫖

We love that over a 100 of you scramble eggs when you go camping and over 180 make porridge. 

Tea drinkers won over coffee  (Tea 58% / Coffee 42%). 

Well done to all our winners and don’t forget to ensure you are on our our mailing list to ensure you get our latest news and competition. We have more great giveaways coming soon.
