Which coffee is most popular with JUST MILK fans - JUST MILK

Which coffee is most popular with JUST MILK fans?

Which is the most popular coffee
Photo by azzam zicc from Pexels

Last month, we held a prize draw to give away coffee presses and we asked JUST MILK fans which coffee was their favourite. 

We had a great response to our poll with thousands responding. We asked whether respondents preferred Americano, Cappuccino, Flat white, Instant coffee, Latte, Mocha or Something else.

Here is how they responded.

Latte in top spot with 29%
Cappuccino 23%
Americano 21%
Flat White 13%
Mocha 8%
Instant Coffee 4%

Which is the most popular coffee with JUST MILK drinker

our coffee poll results for which is the most popular coffee in the UK

We also asked JUST MILK fans and respondents which was their favourite type of JUST MILK? Semi-skimmed JUST MILK was the most popular, then our delicious Skimmed long life milk and third place was Lactose-Free JUST MILK. If you’re a coffee lover, you can check how many coffee calories you’re burning through each week with our Coffee Calorie Calculator

Our calculator literally takes seconds to complete and will give you an idea of the number of calories in your weekly coffees. A lot of our customers have been shocked, but fear not, if you get a high result, we show you how you can lower the figure. 

Of course, we couldn’t just get thousands of people to tell us this information for no reason, so we gave away 3 coffee presses as a prize draw. 

The Coffee Presses were won by Emma from Leeds, Kenneth from Nottingham and Janice from Whitehaven. Congratulations to our winners and there are going to be tons more competitions through the summer, so stay tuned on our newsletter below. 

JUST MILK is rated Excellent 4.3 out of 5 on Trust Pilot

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