Shipping costs - JUST MILK


JUST MILK shipping costs

No doubt, you will have heard in the news that things are costing more. That goes across the board from the costs of packaging to staffing, from fuel to rent and suppliers. We have held off for as long as possible, but we are now in a situation where we have to act to enable our buy direct service to continue. So, we are very pleased to be able to say we are keeping the costs of JUST MILK at the current price but we have had to increase some of our shipping costs. The shipping costs of 1 to 2 packs of milk will stay the same, but costs for larger packages will rise. See below. 

1-2 packs – £3.99 shipping
3-4 packs – £5.99 shipping
5-6 packs – £7.99 Shipping
7-8 packs – £8.99 shipping
9-10 packs – £10.99 shipping

If you are on a subscription, you may notice that your regular payment will increase slightly.